While you may spend the majority of your day carrying your smart phone around, you’re probably unaware of some of the unique, innovative features which your smart phone boasts. To discover 5 unique things that you didn’t know your phone can do, simply continue reading.
Search for photos by category
You may be surprised to learn that you can search for photos by category. As an example, if you’re looking for photos of your pet cat, you can search your photo reel for cats and all your photos of your cat will pop up. Alternatively, you may want to search for photos with your friends or photos of the beach. By searching for photos by category you’ll avoid having to scroll through hundreds of photos to find the specific photos which you’re looking for.
Turn your lights on and off
If you purchase smart light bulbs you’ll be able to download a phone onto your smart phone, which will allow you to turn your smart light bulbs on and off. As an example if you leave your lounge to go to your bedroom and forget to turn your lounge lights off, you’ll be able to to turn your lounge lights off from your bedroom. Imagine how easy it will be to dim your lights from your phone when it’s time to watch a movie or binge watch a brand new Netflix series.
Erase typing mistakes by shaking your phone
When your typing on an iPhone or an android phone you can erase typing mistakes by shaking your phone. As an example if you’re typing out a text message, a Facebook message or an email, if you make a mistake simply shake your iPhone and you’ll be given a few options to correct your mistake. If you own an Android, you can also shake your phone to rectify typing mistakes by downloading a free shake to undo application.
Supercharge in record time
If you wish that you could charge your phone quicker, you’re in luck. As if you place your phone into flight mode, your phone will charge much faster. So if your phone is running out of battery and you urgently need to charge your phone before you leave home for the day, put your phone into airplane mode and pop it on a charger. As you’ll be amazed at how much faster your smart phone will charge.
Start your car’s engine
There are applications such as Viper SmartStart which will allow you to remotely start your car’s engine. You’ll also be able to use Viper SmartStart in order to unlock and lock your car. Depending on the model of car which you own, you may also be able to use Viper SmartStart in order to diagnose potential car issues. If you own a modern electric car, it’s well worth using an app on your phone to monitor your car’s condition.
So if you’re always looking for fun new smartphone features to try out, hopefully, you’ve discovered a few new fun things that your phone can do. Which feature are you most excited to try out first?
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